Thursday, September 09, 2010

Image albums on portable devices - ebooks

To show some pictures from facebook and picasa to A, tried different techniques. One way was to just save jpgs on the phone and show it using the phone's image viewer. This is slow for many pictures and doesn't include captions. Exporting pdf from Picasa was neat, included captions also (configurable). This was using Picasa3
File -> Print after selecting the required photos. I chose paper size as 'screen' and it was quite good for viewing on phone. In the print dialog, there are options for including captions etc.

For Facebook pix, I tried the Librie toolbar which saves an LRF file. Reasonably OK, except that there will be 5-6 pages of cruft between images while viewing on the Sony ebook reader.

Copy-pasting images into google docs and exporting as pdf did not work for some reason - the images were not being seen on the mobile's Clearvue pdf reader, though the desktop pdf software shows the images. Another failed experiment was exporting to epub from RTF file etc using calibre. The epub file had all the images in one page, squashed together in thumbnail size.

Copy-pasting into Microsoft Word and printing as pdf did work, though the output was not as clean as with Picasa - the page size setting was not perfect, and resizing of images to fit the page size is not automatic.

So, maybe the best option is to save images to a folder and export them from Picasa as PDF.

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