Friday, May 29, 2020

whl of wxPython

I had to download pre-compiled binary, else gave error,

preventing shutting down due to overheating on linux

The laptop I'm currently working on has some overheating issues. Probably the heatsink has come off from the video chip or CPU or something, because playing 720p youtube streams for longer than half an hour or so on Firefox is a sure-fire way to make the CPU temperature go higher than 85 or 90 degrees C or whatever is the threshold in the BIOS, making the machine shut down. Found this hassle-free solution - 
sudo 85
and it will reduce CPU frequency if the temp crosses 85 degrees C. So, if I'm starting a render or something like that which needs to run un-interrrupted by shut-downs, I can do this and do other tasks like running Firefox without having to worry if the CPU will overheat.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

automatic BCC and other email routing using GSuite admin console

I wanted to simplify my email work by automatic BCC to one email address. Found that GSuite's admin console had that option under Gmail - advanced - content compliance, where rules to forward can be added. Lots of other rule-based email routing options too.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

some appveyor and travis-ci gotchas

Here are some points which tripped me up while using or to build repositories on github.

  • If doing a wget from github releases, sometimes it returns 429 too many requests. Have to cool off for an hour or so.

  • Every project must have the token saved as $mytokenname or whatever environment variable you choose, when using env vars on travis for deploying to github releases. The env vars are not shared between projects.

  • The yml configuration files are sensitive to white space. For example, on appveyor, a space before the build: causes it to not recognize the yml file, complaining "cannot parse".

  • Also on appveyor, the yml file and configurations made via the web UI are mutually exclusive. Either this or that. yml overrides web. So, artifact selection for example, has to be done on the yml if you're using yml.

  • Builds don't occur in the home directory. On travis, the path where the yml is parsed initially is like /home/travis/build/username/projectname/ and on appveyor, like C:\projects\projectname