Sunday, January 27, 2019

paying income tax on tax demand

I had made a mistake in income tax calculation and payment, and in the intimation sent by the Income Tax department, there was a demand to pay Rs. 230 as tax. The clickable link on the pdf did not work for me (since I was using Linux) with pdf readers Xreader and Google Chrome. So, googled and got the website
where there is a Pay Taxes online link.

The next links were deciphered using the Challan included in the pdf. Challan No. 280, so the relevant link for 280. Address as per PAN. Details of payment as per the Challan again, (no surcharges or penalties for me.) And as soon as the confirmation link is clicked, we get a downloadable receipt. Done. Painless.

Friday, January 11, 2019

malware/adware on our home page with BSNL router

When I opened our home page now from my room, I got an advertisement popup. 

Whichever link on our website I click, a pop-up appears.

No such popup on other sites. No such popup if I click on direct links, popups only if I click on javascript links like on our home page.

Also, no such popups when I use my phone as a hotspot and don't use the BSNL router.

There was recently an email from a user who also experienced this.

According to this blog post, this is some issue with BSNL?
As mentioned by this person, I put off and put on the BSNL router (reset the router), and the popups stopped.

Apparently, this malware/adware is being injected into any and all non-encrypted traffic. So, a good solution would be to upgrade to https.