Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Fly through Mars valley and Grand Canyon - generated with OpenSpace

The scripts and settings used to generate these 4k fisheye fulldome videos are shared at https://github.com/hn-88/openspace-scripts




(default profile, Window options fisheye 4k as at
https://github.com/hn-88/openspace-scripts/blob/main/config/single_fisheye-4k.json )

Link to 4096x4096 video at archive.org -  https://archive.org/details/grand-canyon5

Flying 5 km (3 miles) above a valley on Mars, near Valles Marineris



(this recording is played in reverse at the beginning of the video.)


Link to 4096x4096 video at archive.org - https://archive.org/details/mars-fly-into-valley0001-6940

The 4k frames are available with me, and can be made available. I'll also see if I can upload them to archive.org - Edit - apparently zip files with jpg frames can't be uploaded to archive.org, so I have added links to the 4K movie files uploaded to archive.org above.

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