Saturday, February 25, 2012

Installing and running Linux on the Toshiba AC100

Since my main purpose was to use the Toshiba AC100 for screening 1080p HD movies at 6 Mbps or more, I did not do too many benchmarks or other tests. But the installation procedure was as follows.

This link provided tips on taking a backup of the factory boot-loader. Since I run Kubuntu as a dual boot on my laptop, I could install nvflash as given here, with dpkg.

After installing nvflash,
whereis nvflash gave the location  /usr/lib/nvflash for fastboot.bin which was the included bootloader. So, the command I used for backup of the Toshiba's bootloader was
nvflash --bl  /usr/lib/nvflash/fastboot.bin --read 6 partition_6_backup.bin --go

When I tried it the first time, I had got the path wrong, a typo. After retyping the correct path, it took a very long time, and didn't seem to be doing anything. Just for testing out, tried putting off the device, and again putting it in recovery mode with Ctrl-Esc pressed down while power on. Then tried
nvflash --bl /usr/lib/nvflash/fastboot.bin --go
nvflash -r --getpartitiontable partitiontable.txt

nvflash -r --read 2 part-2.img


as suggested at , worked in seconds. So, made a backup of partition 6 as given above.

Then followed the instructions at for the install.

The system was fairly OK with Ubuntu 11.10, though a bit sluggish with its 512 MB RAM. Firefox opened in 10 seconds. Boot time was around a minute. xubuntu loaded with apt-get, and with an xfce desktop, it felt more responsive.

Anyway, since the video was not playing without frame-drops, went back to Android by restoring the boot loader,
nvflash --wait --bl /usr/lib/nvflash/fastboot.bin --download 6 partition_6_backup.bin --go

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