Saturday, April 26, 2014

making bhajanstream playlists

PB shares his method of creating bhajanstream playlists from supplied 30 minute m3u files.

1. The received m3u file is in extened m3u file format. Collect all of
them into a folder

2. Run the script  This script converts the
extened m3u files to simple m3u files with the required path.
(currently the path is /local/audio24)

3. Add these files to BhajanPlaylist_files folder (in scripts dir)
with the proper filename sequence

4. Run the script to make the required 31 days
random playlist using the m3u files in the  BhajanPlaylist_files
folder. The output of these files are in /home/sgh/bhajan_m3u

5. Open them in xmms to set to the correctly to 24 hrs + few mins duration files

6. To replace to the correct path use the following code

sed -e 's/\/local\/audio24\//\/home\/sgh\/audio\//' -i /home/sgh/bhajan_m3u/*

Sometime later the above steps can be combined to one script.

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