Saturday, May 30, 2015

correct aspect ratio of mp4 file without re-encoding

I wanted to correct the aspect ratio of an mp4 file without re-encoding. forums had this question answered. In my case, the video was 640x268 pixels, and was supposed to be 4:3.

x * 640 / 268 = 4/3 ; So  (1/x) = 640 * 3 / 268 * 4 = 160 / 89, approximately = 16/9

So, my commandline was

mp4box -add inputfile.mp4#1:par=9:16 -add inputfile.mp4#2 output.mp4

One caution - temp file seems to be created in the default Windows temp folder, or perhaps in the same folder as the input file - did not verify which. Overall operation takes as much time as two copy commands - "importing" and "writing" done separately.

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