Sunday, March 04, 2018

Raspberry PI configuration link dump

  1. Impressive - The Raspberry Pi 3 boots up in 25 seconds to Desktop. 10 seconds to open Chromium browser. 25 seconds to load a google spreadsheet. Overall, faster than my AMD64 Windows XP laptop from 2009. :)

  2. Older version of RPi (Pi2?) - good for playing local videos - was pleasantly surprised to find that I could just put in the same micro-SD card which was running Raspbian 9 into a SD-card adapter and put it into the older Pi, and it booted and ran fine - did not need any reinstall.

    It is good for playing local videos. It could play 2 windows with 2 instances of VLC running local copies of 360p videos without any problems - 35% CPU for each instance, MP4 and DIVX respectively. But it could not play videos reliably over the network. Also, web browser Chromium takes a very very long time to open, web pages crawl to load. Probably because of the low RAM.

    But I can use it as a video player, with a status message at the bottom or something like that.

  3. lspci -vvnn | grep 802

    lsusb does not show it when driver is not installed.

  4. Cloning RPi with dd -
    sudo fdisk -l
    sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdc | gzip > /home/your_username/image`date +%d%m%y`.gz
    sudo gzip -dc /home/your_username/image.gz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/sdc

  5. Enabling monitoring on RPi wifi -

  6. How to loop in VLC - - and subtitles in vlc playlist maker.

  7. Adjusting Overscan on the RPi -

  8. Raspberry PI model comparison -

  9. Shortcut to edit text file -  Exec=leafpad %U /home/pi/file.txt

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