Saturday, December 15, 2018

incomplete instructions - SBI debit card

SBI is updating their debit cards as per RBI mandate to chip-based cards, and I received a mailer with my updated card. Getting it to work was a bit of a struggle. 

1. First tried the 'send SMS, get one time PIN' method. Did not get any response. So, tried the next - Netbanking method. 

2. Set the first two digits of the PIN, AA, and then the next two digits BB are sent via SMS. Then AABB would be the PIN. 

Then, I received the one time PIN from step 1. So, that was probably the reason the card was declined when I tried to use it at the Canara bank ATM. 

Then, tried

3. Changing the PIN from SBI ATM - went to the SBI ATM early in the morning to avoid crowds. Used the Generate PIN from the first screen. That sent me a one time PIN. But apparently, that was for one-time use only. "You must change the PIN before use." But the change PIN menu item is not immediately obvious. For that,

4. Again swiped the card, used the one time PIN, went into Banking menu, and there, found the Change PIN option. Changed, now the card works. 

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