Monday, December 21, 2020

deploying war files on wildfly

There seem to be multiple ways to deploy WAR files in Wildfly

Just copying the WAR file to the wildfly/standalone/deployments directory seems the most easy for us to do. And if the WAR file is already exploded, we also need to create a appname.war.dodeploy marker file as mentioned in RedHat's documentation.

Change configuration files only after stopping wildfly -
/opt/bitnami/ stop wildfly
on Bitnami Wildfly VM.
Takes ~15 sec to stop Wildfly
Takes ~5 minutes to start Wildfly and deploy wars if there are errors, but only a few seconds (less than a minute) if there are no errors.
Monitoring the log is a good way to judge if Wildfly is running or stopped - 
sudo tail -f /opt/bitnami/wildfly/standalone/log/server.log

Examples of configuration files which might need to be set up - 

If a WAR file deployment fails with Null Pointer Exception (seen in the server.log file mentioned above), there is a good chance that this is due to some non-existent file or path mentioned in one of the properties files above. The usual culprit would be Windows-style paths for log or conf files. 

If a large number of WAR files are to be deployed, deployment may fail with Out of Memory errors. We can increase heap size and MetaSpace size by editing /opt/bitnami/wildfly/bin/standalone.conf line for JAVA_OPTS like
JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2G -Xmx10G -XX:MetaspaceSize=2G -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=6G"

Edit - Adding data-sources - if needed, we can deploy the db driver as a module, and configure via the data source via the web console. For the postgres driver, I directly downloaded the jar from
so gave the 
 <resource-root path="postgresql-42.2.14.jar"/>

Using the jboss-cli method for creating the db driver as a module, 
ran as sudo, needed to put the entire command in one line
/subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver=postgresql:add(driver-name=postgresql, driver-module-name=org.postgresql, driver-class-name=org.postgresql.Driver)
Outcome success.

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