Sunday, June 26, 2022

notes on giving access to ad-hoc queries

Copy-pasting from an email exchange:

As you had asked :
who apart from admin can be given a role which will enable viewing and downloading ad-hoc data base query reports for example non editing teacher.

It is safer to keep the visibility of ad-hoc reports limited, because they are very powerful, and making a mistake can cause catastrophic damage to the database. 

But there is an option to send ad-hoc reports by email. Perhaps the non-admins can be sent the reports by email instead?
If we want to send those emails directly to those people, Moodle requires us to give access to the query to them - only then does it allow that user to be emailed the report. Instead, if the report is sent to you by email, and you forward it to the relevant users, would that be OK? 

The relevant queries for each user could be named in such a way that when you get emails from those queries, you could put in a GMail filter to automatically forward those emails to the respective people. 

I have set up a test query at
which will email daily at 3 pm. 

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