Tuesday, August 16, 2022

setting up DMARC for better email delivery, feedback loops and XML DMARC reports

Copy-pasting from some emails

Google Workspace (GSuite), which we use for sending our domain's emails, makes it quite easy to set up DMARC for better email delivery.

Setting up DMARC involves
1. setting up DKIM signing for all outbound emails from our domain (SPF is already set up)
2. setting up an email id (or group) which will receive all spam notifications 

If emails are being sent only from Google's servers and not using any other servers, the setup is relatively straight-forward. In case any other servers are being used, those also would need to support DKIM signing. 

But I was mistaken about the DMARC reports being useful for finding out which recipient's spam filter is blocking our emails - it was not DMARC which we enabled in 2009, it was Yahoo's complaint feedback loop, for which we needed to set up DKIM. The DMARC reports don't seem to give us detailed info about spam complaints, while the complaint loop did.

Our emails being sent via Google Apps Script are to GMail users - Google does have a feedback loop mechanism, but it needs additional header information to work - https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6254652?hl=en

And Google Apps Script MailApp does not support DKIM signing with our domain.

Viewing the xml DMARC reports - to make them more human-readable, tried out XSLT from https://www.tana.it/sw/dmarc-xsl/#xslt - didn't seem to work. 
( For this, tried editing the xml file in the reports, and adding the line
<?xml-stylesheet type = "text/xsl" href = "dmarcstyle.xsl"?>
after saving the script above as the file dmarcstyle.xsl in in the same folder as the dmarc report xml file.
Then right-click and open the xml file in some browser. But didn't seem to work. Tutorial on how to use XSLT - 

 Then tried dmarcian's XML to Human converter, gives good results.

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