Thursday, October 27, 2022

Notes on making an ad-hoc query for Moodle

Expanding on the problem and resolution at

This seems to be a classic illustration of what can go wrong when we copy code written by someone else without understanding it. Apparently Github's Copilot also has such issues.

I had blindly copied the code from without verifying if the resource join is correct. 

select count(*) as "All ppt(x) and mp3/mp4 files",
count(distinct f.contenthash) as "Only unique ppt(x) and mp3/mp4 files"
from {files} f
INNER JOIN {context} c ON f.contextid =
INNER JOIN {resource} r ON c.instanceid =
INNER JOIN {course} co ON r.course =
where (f.filename like '%ppt%' or f.filename like '%mp%')
and co.fullname like :coursename

Apparently, in our case, where the files are inside folders, this is absolutely wrong. The contextid depends on what is mentioned in contextlevel. If contextlevel is 70 (= modules), contextid points to the entry in course_modules table. Not resource table!

So, the corrected query would be

select count(*) as "All ppt(x) and mp3/mp4 files",
count(distinct f.contenthash) as "Only unique ppt(x) and mp3/mp4 files"
from {files} f
left join {context} cont on f.contextid =
left join {course_modules} vcm on cont.instanceid =
and vcm.module=8
and cont.contextlevel = 70
and f.component ='mod_folder'
and (f.filename like '%.ppt%' or f.filename like '')
and co.fullname like :coursename

Unfortunately, the documentation for this was not very easily available. For example, where do we see that contextlevel=70 corresponds to modules? Only in this deprecated page, - archived link.

So, my notes for arriving at the above conclusion:

Symptom - when relying on contextid to determine course, a lower number of files is reported in the queries
did not seem to be correct, since it was returning all sorts of files.

So, decided to try and understand the meaning of contextid first!

"In files tables, component col is the where (course, backup, mod_folder)" - so, to find list of files, we can search files table with
contextid =962 and component ='mod_folder'

To get the relevant contextid, I had used the path in LMS, which was https://server.tld/pluginfile.php/962/mod_folder/content/0/Teaching%20Resources/DD_Living%20on%20the%20Streets.pptx?forcedownload=1
Todo: get it from the database

In context table, id=962 has instanceid=667, which is what is seen in the html,
for the div
  | id="module-667"
  | data-for="cmitem"
  | data-id="667"

 Finally! Explanation of context table - 

"contextlevel 70 is modules, then instanceid points to the mdl_course_modules table" so in the relevant context table entry, the instanceid points to course_modules table....

Checking the entry in course_modules table, id=667, course=34 (correct), module=8 (=folder, from modules table). With this info, I could put together the "correct" query above.

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