Wednesday, August 28, 2024

displaying info about whether a package is installed or not on Linux command line

Earlier, I had used apt show for info on whether a package is installed or not. Another way - more concise - is to use apt-cache policy - 

$ apt-cache policy unattended-upgrades
  Installed: 2.3ubuntu0.3
  Candidate: 2.3ubuntu0.3
  Version table:
 *** 2.3ubuntu0.3 500
        500 focal-updates/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     2.3 500
        500 focal/main amd64 Packages

Sunday, August 25, 2024

show seek bar when paused - Android mp3 player app

There was a requirement for displaying the seek bar during playback and when paused, for mp3 files playing locally from a Nord CE4 Android phone. Trying out various players, it was not VLC, not simple music player, not the built-in media player - Files by Google alone shows seek bar for audio. The additional problem of "audio stopping when screen turned off" also seems to be fixed after installing this.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Azure - Transition from Azure classic administrator roles to RBAC roles

There was an email from Microsoft, asking admins to transition from Azure classic administrator roles to RBAC roles. 

I checked the "classic admin roles" for all our Microsoft tenants - found that those users who had classic admin roles have already been assigned 'Owner' RBAC roles, so probably nothing further needs to be done.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Microsoft Azure - enable MFA - multi-factor authentication

Microsoft has sent an email asking Azure admins to enable MFA - multi-factor authentication - for all users of the Azure portal (and Entra, and Intune admin panels).

But in the document above, they don't give a direct link to enable MFA, nor a direct link to enforce MFA. Probably because there are multiple ways to do it.

After a lot of searches, found the following. First we have to add sign-in methods for the MFA, then we can enable MFA.

Going to
Home > Users > (my username) > Manage > Authentication methods
came to

Here, we can choose "Add sign in method" to add SMS, phone call, Microsoft Authenticator app or "Other authenticator app" like Google Authenticator which uses TOTP (time-based one-time password).

Then to enable or enforce 2FA (two-factor authentication) for admin users, we can go to
(Just a note: Azure Entra ID is the new name for Azure Active Directory for translating from old tutorials.)

Users > Per user MFA (button on top of the page) > (which redirects to the page for "legacy experience")

choose the relevant username, and then choose the "Enable" link on the right-hand pane. Confirm that you want to enable MFA for that user, then you are done.

If not "legacy experience", then the per user MFA page has a different look - with buttons to enable, disable or enforce MFA for the selected users, and also User MFA settings:


Monday, August 19, 2024

raspberry pi LibreElec Kodi playout issues and solution

Doing playout using Kodi and LibreElec, we had issues of disk corruption when using a FAT32 USB flash drive for the content - the first time we play a playlist there would be no issues, but when we go back to the beginning of the playlist using the page-down key, or using x to stop playback and open the playlist again, there would be random jumps during subsequent playout. 

Tried various workarounds like using a different USB flash drive, shutting down and restarting the Pi between shows (takes 5 minutes), "safely remove" the drive and re-plug it in between shows.

For a more durable solution, tried
(a) adding a powered USB hub for the Lexicon Alpha sound device
(b) using a USB drive formatted with NTFS instead of FAT32

With this configuration, the Pi seems to recognize the Lexicon Alpha without having to plug it in after the Pi boots up as noted in the previous post, and the playlist playout also doesn't skip. So, perhaps both these points helped.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

finding old files and disk space used - with Linux command line



 sudo su -

cd /the/relevant/directory

 find . -type f  -printf '%s\n' | wc -l  # for just the total number of files

find . -type f -mtime +365 -printf '%s\n' | wc -l  # for the number of files older than a year

find . -type f -mtime +365 -printf '%s\n' | awk '{total=total+$1}END{print total/(1024*1024*1024)}' # total disk space used by files older than 365 days, in GB

Saturday, August 17, 2024

using Wiz remote for fade in and out of lights

Using a Wiz remote and Wiz LED lamps and LED strips in the cove for fade-in, fade-out at our Theatre - only the setup required the mobile app - thereafter, it works with bluetooth, so doesn't need an internet connection. The app also allows us to add another user as an owner by just scanning a QR code from the app.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

LIC 'Life certificate' via App

Senior citizens having LIC pension plans need to submit 'Life certificates' every year or so. According to the email they send, this can be done by submitting a form in the attached format duly filled, signed and witnessed, either by email or to a branch office or customer service cell, or via their 'LIC Digital' app.

Earlier, (maybe one year ago?) LIC had a separate app called "Jeevan Sakshya" - now the 'LIC Digital' app has the 'jeevan sakshya' feature at the bottom of the home screen.

Three verification methods are available in the app - Digilocker, offline Aadhaar and Central KYC. Offline Aadhaar xml does not seem to be available any more from the link given in the app. Digilocker method worked well for parents. (no need to install anything - just "give permission for digilocker to get your Aadhaar/PAN details" with Aadhaar OTP, then take a selfie.