One of the Raspberry Pis we use for video play-out in the waiting area was not booting. Simplest test was to use the other Pi's SD card and try booting with that one - worked. So, wanted to image that mini SD card to the one which was not booting.
sudo dd if=/dev/sdc conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c > my-root.image.gz
took around 45 minutes -
32 GB SD card with 5.5 GB used with df -h, due to gz it became 7.7 GB
Could monitor through watch -
watch -d ls -alh my-root.image.gz
But when trying to write back to the sdcard which was not booting (file system tests showed no errors after 'repairing'),
sudo su -
# gunzip -c my-root-boot.image.gz | dd of=/dev/sdc status=progress
But after 10 minutes or so,
dd: writing to '/dev/sdc': Input/output error
Tried conv=noerror -
gunzip -c my-root-boot.image.gz | dd of=/dev/sdc conv=noerror status=progress
Still the same error.
Then tried writing the disk image to another (64 GB) mini-sdcard which happened to be here. That worked without errors, and the R Pi booted up fine. So, maybe there are some physical errors, we might need to reformat (full format) and copy the files back (instead of cloning.)
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