Saturday, November 14, 2020

troubleshooting a ruby on rails web server

To troubleshoot a web server running ruby on rails, checked the history of the ssh login I had been supplied (up arrow, up arrow, etc) and found that the admin had started rails using

rails s -p 5001 -b <ipaddress> -d
rails s -p 3001 -b <ipaddress> -d

for the two sites, and that they were running apache to proxy these ports to the two websites. The sites-available had virtual hosts configured like

DocumentRoot /full/path/to/rubyonrails/project/production
ProxyPass / http://xx.yy.zz.ww:5001/
ProxyPassReverse / http://xx.yy.zz.ww:5001/

and so on.

Found that the apache sites-enabled directory had some wrong entries + duplicate entries, which were causing apache to go back to the default configuration with no virtual servers, hence the various errors. There may be some issues with apache, serveralias and rails as mentioned here,

that it was serving up the test page when the main domain was a server alias. So, I created a separate virtual server conf file in sites-available, with main-domain-name.conf which solved that issue. Then ran certbot for both domains for getting letsencrypt certificates.

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