Friday, April 10, 2020

deploying build artifacts from travis to github

Till now I had used the fairly easy to understand deployment strategy of uploading to, downloading from there, and then manually uploading to create github releases.
  - curl --upload-file GL_warp2mp4*.AppImage

Appveyor has its artifacts page, so a similar strategy works there.

But a couple of days back, was (temporarily) down, so deploying directly to github from travis seemed attractive.

But did not get it to work, until now. Some notes -
  1. Directly entering github personal tokens in a commit on github results in github immediately revoking the token.
  2. Travis has rolled out v2 of their deployment code, but maybe still needs the edge: true directive to reliably use v2 instead of v1.
  3. Currently working code is here. The environment variable mytokenname has to be set in the project's settings on travis.
  4. The draft setting ensures that the deployment is visible only to me - I can edit the draft and create a release. Also, because of this, when I create a release, that commit does not create a new deployment in an infinite loop.
  5. The file_glob setting allows the use of wildcards in the file option.

provider: releases
token: $mytokenname
file_glob: true
file: h*.bin
skip_cleanup: true
draft: true
edge: true

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